The Ultimate Guide On Buying The Best Electric Rice Cooker 

Cooking rice shouldn’t be hard. If you are using a traditional method of rice cooking in a vessel, you may have realized that it consumes a lot of time and you need to keep an eye on the kitchen until the rice gets cooked. Even the pressure cooker needs a sufficient amount of water to cook fluffy steamed rice. At times, the pressure cooker malfunctions and you may end up burning the rice or overcooking them. Thankfully, electric rice cookers are in demand, which makes rice cooking easier than ever. Electric rice cookers offer great features and are highly effective. Today, electric rice cookers are as essential appliances as washing machines, refrigerators, microwaves, and more. However, there are varied things to consider before buying an electric rice cooker.  

Many people consider it as a uni tasking device, but if you know its operations, you can cook numerous recipes in it such as soups, porridge, steamed vegetables, one-pot meals, and more.

Do I need to buy a rice cooker?

If you are wondering whether or not to invest in a good-quality rice cooker, answer the following questions:

  • Do you cook rice or steamed grains at least 2-3 times a week?
  • Do you struggle to cook perfectly fluffy rice in a pot or pressure cooker?
  • Do you prefer food getting cooked in less time without walking back and forth in the kitchen?
  • Do you have a small kitchen with no cooktop?

If the answer to all the above questions is a yes, we highly recommend a rice cooker among your kitchen equipment.

How do rice cookers work?

The rice cookers functions in a simplified yet mysterious way. You add water and rice with as much water as required, and press the ON button. It will take a few minutes and you can enjoy a perfectly cooked rice bowl.  

The rice cooker magically knows when to switch itself to “Warm,” and your cooked rice sits at a perfect steamy serving temperature, waiting for you to come to dip into it at your convenient time. Although it all sounds like magic, it is not. The entire credit goes to the ingenious technology, which was first discovered in Japan. This technology detects the grain’s absorption of liquid due to a thermostat. The liquid in the pot cannot exceed more than 212°F if the water proportion is more. Once the liquid gets vaporized, the cooker’s heating element increases, triggering the thermostat to switch the unit to WARM. Its in-built sensors are aware of the condition when there is no longer a need to boil anything.  

However, the catch here is not how the rice cookers work, but how you work with them, which is an easy task to accomplish.  

Hot tips to consider while using a rice cooker

  • If you’re cooking dinner, set the rice first. As it cooks, prepare whatever else you are making like curry, stir-fried veggies, sauteed veggies, grilled steak, and more.
  • Many rice cookers come with a plastic measuring cup. Make sure you measure the amount of rice according to your needs as many measuring cups don’t perfectly match one imperial cup of rice.  
  • Look out for a misty shower of goop from the lid if your rice cooker has a steam vent hole in the lid surface. A few types of grains tend to produce a gradual, subtle spray of water from the vent hole, which may get all over the place.  
  • Your rice cooker is a combination of an electric skillet and a slow cooker. You can sauté onions, add liquid, make a simple soup, or simply add water to prepare any steamed food.


Rice cookers are amazing kitchen equipment, which can dramatically improve your cooking skills and save you a lot of time in the kitchen. Our Adcraft RC-E30 electric rice cooker is one of the most sought choices when it comes to cooking appliances that can rekindle a long-forgotten appliance romance. With stainless steel hinged lid and aluminum inset with easy-to-read graduations, this product stands out among top electric rice cookers at the best competitive price in the market.

Browse through our product range and get the best restaurant supply store and commercial cooking appliances to upscale your cooking business without compromising the quality and taste.

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